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Lummer Brodhun Photometer - (SIPO-005)

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Lummer Brodhun Photometer - (SIPO-005)
a) Lummer Brodhun Photometer Assembly :- Light from two sources falls on either side of an opaque with white screen. Hence it is reflected by two optical prisms & pass...
a) Lummer Brodhun Photometer Assembly :- Light from two sources falls on either side of an opaque with white screen. Hence it is reflected by two optical prisms & pass through the brodhun cube (prisms). b)L.B.Photometer Assembly :- The assembly comprises the following components: 1) Optical bench 1 ½ meter long with five sliders having two of them with transverse motion. 2) Lamp house two numbers with metal lamp housing. 3) L.B. Photometer as described above in above category. 4) Cross slit Two numbers Complete as described above with bench on mild steel bars. 
c) L.B. Photometer Assembly :- Same as above but bench bars of stainless steel.
d) L.B. Photometer Assembly :- Same as above but bench of brass pipe.
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Polarimeter - (SIPO-009)

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Polarimeter - (SIPO-009)
a) Polarimeter :- Special design. The circular scale graduated in degree is attached near to the analyzer and a vernier moveable on the scale enable reading of optical...
a) Polarimeter :- Special design. The circular scale graduated in degree is attached near to the analyzer and a vernier moveable on the scale enable reading of optical rotation to the 60 seconds. 
b) Worm and gear combines :- Rough and fine adjustments provided with Imported Laurent half shade giving 3 parts field for easy setting adjustable half shadow angle short focus telescope with precision lenses. Complete with one 200 mm corning glass tube. 
c) Polarimeter :- Same as above but fitted with Biquartz in place of mica, giving colour distinction. Both the models as described under cat 1525 and 1526 are supplied in card board box and both are on adjustable stand. 
d) Accessories for Polarimeter :- Polarimeter tube (Bubble type) Made of corning glass with brass ends 1) 100 mm 2) 200 mm 3) 400 mm 
e) Polarimeter Tube PTF (Cup Type) : With central filling provision made of corning glass with brass ends. 1) 100 mm 2) 200 mm 3) 400 mm 
f) Polarimeter Tube PTS :- Made of stainless steel nicely chrome plated. 1) 100 mm 2) 200 mm 3) 400 mm 
g) Glass Covers for Polarimeter Tubes
h) Rubber Washer :- For Polarimeter tubes.
i) Research Polarimeter :- 
Having both Angular and sugar Scale, suitable for Sodium light only With 400 mm, long Pol, observation tube. Without sodium lamp unit.

j) Research Polarimeter :- 
Same as above but with Imported Lippich Half Shade and glans Thompson Nicol Prism (German Make)

k) Research Polarimeter Inclined :- 
Basic optical system same as Cat No. 1532 but suitable for tubes upto 200 mm length. Inclined design of the body ensure convenient working Supplied with 200 mm long Pol. Observation tube. Without Sodium Lamp unit.

l) Research Polarimeter Inclined :- 
With Imported Lippich Half Shade and Glans Thompson Nicol Prism (German Make )

m) Sodium Lamp Unit for above Models :- 
Sodium Lamp with Transformer & jacket to hold lamp.
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Light Optical Bench - (SIPO-001)

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Light Optical Bench - (SIPO-001)
  • Material: Teak Wood/ SS
  • Length: 1-1.5 mtr
  • Lens holder: 2
  • Pin Holder: 2
  • Material: Teak Wood/ SS
  • Length: 1-1.5 mtr
  • Lens holder: 2
  • Pin Holder: 2
a) Optical Bench School Type :- Simple form one meter long with six sliders having two lens holder,...
a) Optical Bench School Type :- Simple form one meter long with six sliders having two lens holder, one wire gauge screen, one ground glass screen, one pin on stand & one candle holder made of entirely fine wood polished superior quality.

b) Optical Bench :- One meter long teak wood evenly top with engine divided scale in mm on heavy supporters 4 metal base sliders and 4 metal accessories Two sliders are provided. With transverse slow motion arrangement.

c) Optical Bench :- SQUARE ROD TYPE (Single rod):- With heavy cast iron stand fitted with leveling screws. The square rod is 18 mm size and deeply graduated in mms, It is supplied with four sliders. Two of the sliders are provided with lateral motion. Complete with two lens holders & two pin holders.

1) One meter long
2) As above but 1 ½ meter long.

d) Optical Bench Double Rod :- For advance research works consists of two steel rods chromium plate rust proof supported by heavy cast iron feet, provided with 4 metal riders and 4 accessories. Two of the sliders have transverse motion and one rods is engraved in mms.

1) Having both brass pipes on rods.
2) Having both stainless steel rods instead of steel rods.

e) Optical Bench Double Rod :-Same but 1 ½ meter long with two steel rods.

1) Having both brass pipe on rod
2) Having both stainless steel rods instead of steel rods
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Nodal Slide Assembly - (SIPO-004)

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Nodal Slide Assembly - (SIPO-004)
  • Power supply type: A.C./D.C
  • Diameter: 12 mm
  • Volts: 220 volts
  • Power supply type: A.C./D.C
  • Diameter: 12 mm
  • Volts: 220 volts
We are leading manufacturer and exporter of Nodal Slide Assembly - (SIPO-004) and our product is made up...
We are leading manufacturer and exporter of Nodal Slide Assembly - (SIPO-004) and our product is made up of good quality.

The complete unit Comprises the following components :

a) Optical Bench Bed:- Double bar type 150 cm long having two steel bars mounted on the heavy iron base with leveling screws. A connecting bar joining both the bases is used to give a sturdy support to the bench, One of the two steel rods is graduated in cm. and mm Four sliders move freely on the bed. Two sliders are provided with the lateral cross motion by micrometer screw and two without cross-motion. All the riders can take the stem of 12 mm dia.

b) Optical Screen:-With fine cross slit. One surface of the slit. One surface of slite is backend and the other whitened.

c) Lamp House:- the An electric bulb is encased in a metal case with cord and pin. It works on 220 volts mains A.C./D.C.

d) Plain Mirror:-Inclinable with a standard stem of 12 mm dia.

e) Model Upright :-The vertical axis contains a carriage with suitable arrangement for combination of single and double lens holders The lens holders are adjustable in height and are provided with lateral motion by rack and pinion These motions can be noted along a scale, The vertical carriage containing the whole mount can rotate along the vertical axis along a circular graduated scale.

f) Model slide Assembly-Same as above but having stainless steel bars in place of the steel bars in the optical bench bed.

g) Nodal slide Assembly :-Same as above but both the bars are covered with a brass pipe.

h) Nodal Slide Assembly:- Same as above but without an optical bench.

i) Nodal Upright:- Spare as described in above category.
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Research Optical Bench - (SIPO-006)

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Research Optical Bench - (SIPO-006)
  • Material: Mild Steel
  • Shape: Rectangle
  • Phase: Single Phase
  • Color: any
  • Length: as per requirement
  • Material: Mild Steel
  • Shape: Rectangle
  • Phase: Single Phase
  • Color: any
  • Length: as per requirement
A) Research optical bench :- the bed is a heavy cast channel with a strong...
A) Research optical bench :- the bed is a heavy cast channel with a strong central rib, thoroughly seasoned and aged before machining and grinding of its upper surface. The dimensions of the bed is approximately 180 cms x 12 cms x 16 cms. In size provided with heavy leveling screws. The scale is 170 cms. Long . Complete with four accessories. Description of accessories. 
B) Optical slit :- manipulation of jaw movemenFt free from any spring control ensuring maintenance of original accuracy even after prolonged use. The following adjustment are provided for the slite & its carriage. 
1) Linear adjustment along the, bed read by vernier to 01 cms. 
2) Fine vertical adjustment by slow motion screw. 
C) Biprism holder :- 
1) Provided with following adjustment . 
2) Linear adjustment along the bed, read by vernier to 01 cms. 
3) Fine vertical adjustment by slow motion screw. 
4) Quick radial motion along the horizontal axis. 
5) Fine radial motion along the horizontal axis. 
D) Lens holder :- with spring top for ease in fixing carriage provided with adjustment as for the optical slit. 
E) Micrometer eye piece :- 
1) Provided with following adjustment. 
2) Quick linear adjustment along the bed ready by vernier to . 01 cm. 
3) Fine micrometer vertical adjustment. 
4) Micrometer cross motion of eye piece along a 30-0-30 mm scale read on a micrometer head to . 001 cm 
5) Complete as described above having brass scale. 
6) Having stainless steel scale.
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Optical-Bench-Accessories - (SIPO-002)

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Optical-Bench-Accessories - (SIPO-002)
a) Lens Holder :- V shaped holder wooden polished. b) Lens Holder :- V shaped teak wood polished. c) Ground Glass Screen :- In polished wooden frame 15 x 5 cms. d) Ground...
a) Lens Holder :- V shaped holder wooden polished. 
b) Lens Holder :- V shaped teak wood polished. 
c) Ground Glass Screen :- In polished wooden frame 15 x 5 cms. 
d) Ground Glass Screen :- In teak wood frame 15 x 5 cms. 
e) Ground Glass Screen :- Aluminum frame with ground glass disc 7.5 cms dia with stand. 
f) Wire Gauge Screen :- In polished wooden frame 15 x 5 cms 
g) Wire Gauge Screen :- Metal frame with wire gauge dia 7.5 cms with stand. 
h) Centering pin :- About 20 cms long mounted on wooden base polished 
i) Universal Lens Holder :- Metallic nicely finished for mirrors and lenses. Without stand type heavy pattern. 
j) Universal Lens Holder :- As above on adjustable stand 
k) Universal Lens Holder :- Spring type w/o stand brass 
l) Universal Lens Holder :- Same as Cat No. 1360 but on adjustable stand.
m) Universal Lens Holder :- Spring type brass molded on stand heavy pattern 
n) Parallex Pin :- Iron C.P. rust proof 1/4" x 4” 
o) Parallex Pin :- On adjustable stand A base 5/32” 
p) Parallex Pin :- On adjustable a base stand 1/4” 
q) Candle Holder :- All metal on adjustable stand. 
r) Adjustable Metallic Stand :- Spare stand 1/4” dia 
s) Adjustable Metallic Stand :- Spare heavy superior quality A Type base for 3/8” dia. 
t) Ganong’s Light Screen :- With brass sheets nickled wires. 
u) Liquid Lens Pointer  
v) Mirror Stand :- Complete with mirror, mounted on wooden base. 
w) Adjustable Slit :- Without stand medium quality
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Biprism Assembly (Complete with Bench) - (SIPO-003)

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Biprism Assembly (Complete with Bench) - (SIPO-003)
Biprism Assembly:- The Complete unit comprises of following components a) Optical Bench :- Twin bar 150 cm long having two sliders with fine coarse motion and two sliders...
Biprism Assembly:- The Complete unit comprises of following components
a) Optical Bench :- Twin bar 150 cm long having two sliders with fine coarse motion and two sliders without coarse motion Uprights to hold 1/2" stems. 
b) Lens Holder :- One spring action lens holder. 
c) Micrometer Eye Piece :- The carriage of eye piece moves for lateral motion on a thraded screw with the help of graduated micrometer head All metal sturdy construction fitted with 10x complete set eye piece. 
d) Optical Slite :- Having well ground stainless steel jaws, spring action type. 
e) Biprism Holder :- It has fine radial motion separated by a fine pitch screws. Complete assembly as described above. 
f) Biprism Assembly :- Same as above but having stainless steel bars in place of steel bars in optical bench. 
g) Biprism assembly :- Same as above but optical bench having both the bars covered with brass pipe. 
h) Fresnels Biprism :- Low angle in velvet lined case 1) 30 x 40 mm. 2) 40 x 50 mm. 
i) Biprism Assembly : Same as above but without optical bench.
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Telescope - (SIPO-007)

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Telescope - (SIPO-007)
a) Reading Telescope :- Simple form focusing from one meter to infinity with universal clamp, tripod base stands 18 cms. Focus object glass. Focusing arrangement is provided...
a) Reading Telescope :- Simple form focusing from one meter to infinity with universal clamp, tripod base stands 18 cms. Focus object glass. Focusing arrangement is provided with rack and pinion arrangement. 1) Reading Telescopes Superior 2) Scale and Scale Holder 3) Advance Reading Telescope 4) Vertical Reading Microscope i. With brass scale. ii. With stainless steel scale. 5) Tele Microscope Arrangements 6) Apparatus to Find Refractive index of liquids 7) Co-ordinate Measuring Microscope (Vernier Microscope two Dimensional Type 8) Adjustable Slit 9) Adjustable Slit 
b) Astronomical Telescope :- Fitted with 50 mm dia object glass 60 x eye piece mounted on metal pillar universal movements on folding metal with achromatic lenses in valvet case. 
c) Terrestrial Telescope :- 1) Same as above with built in erector. 2) Terrestrial Telescope :- 3) Same as above but school quality 
d) Astronomical and Terrestrial Telescope Combined :- 1) Provided with an extra erector tube which can be screwed into the main tube after removing Astro eye piece and thus the Astronomical Telescope Complete with tripod folding metal stand. 2) Astronomical & Terrestrial Telescope :- School quality
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Cathetometer - (SIPO-008)

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Cathetometer - (SIPO-008)
a) Improved Cathetometer L Shaped :- It can be used horizontally or vertically and is provided with heavy levelling screws. The square bar of gun metal is graduated in half...
a) Improved Cathetometer L Shaped :- It can be used horizontally or vertically and is provided with heavy levelling screws. The square bar of gun metal is graduated in half degrees and is read by vernier, Vernier constant is 0.01 or 0.02 mm as desired. The brass rod rotates on centre and can be clamped at any desired place The carriage of the telescope is of gunmetal and further provided for giving final adjustment to the telescope. Focussing is provided by rack and pinion. 1) Scale on brass rod 2) Scale of Stainless steel 3) 50 cms long graduated bar. 4) 100 cms long graduated bar. 
b) High grade cathetometer ‘U’ Type oval shaped :- The vertical guide bar is supported on a heavy cast iron frame which can be rotated along the same axis as that of the bar and can be clamped in any position. The base carrying the frame is fitted with levelling screws The vertical guide bar is of gun metal and is having bearing at the top and bottom; can clamped in any position. The scale is accurately divided in half mm and fractional readings are obtained by a venier of 0.001 cm. telescope is fitted with 7” achromatic object glass Ramsden eye piece. The cross line can be rotated to cancide with the horizontal & vertical ; position of the object focussing is done by rack & pinion and its range is 3 fit t infinity. Brass Scale S / S Scale 1) 50 cm lrong 2) 100 cm long.
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